Occupational Medicine
Clovis Urgent Care can help you shoulder the burden of medical services for employees. We offer convenient, comprehensive and high quality occupational medicine services. We’re available 24 hours a day for telephone consultation with a physician.Drug And Alcohol Screening
We provide fast and accurate lab tests, along with verbal and written reports.
Injury Care
Clovis Urgent Care is designed to handle numerous non-life threatening injuries and illnesses at a much lower cost than hospital Emergency Departments
We offer pre-employment, drug screening and executive physicals. We will create a plan for regular exams for your employees and screening for potential employees.
Pre-Placement Evaluation
We tailor pre-placement employment physicals to meet your needs including comprehensive lab work, x-rays, drug screening, EKGs or other tests as needed.
Workers’ Compensation Cases
We can treat your employees quickly and efficiently. Our fees are in compliance with the California Workers’ Compensation official fee schedule. We bill your insurance carrier and provide you with an immediate verbal report followed by a written report.